Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 1, 2013

Job Interview Preparation - Interview Tips, Pointers, Interview Questions, Do's & Dont's

The best way to make sure everything goes smoothly at your interview is to be prepared. This page should give you a helping hand to get ready for your interview.
DressFirst impressions count. As much as many of us would like to believe that we are unaffected by appearance this is not true for the majority. You should always dress appropriately and smartly for an interview, paying attention to your appearance to create the best impression.
ResearchBe prepared. Try to get as much information before the interview, on the job, company, and even the people who will be interviewing you. Corporate information is often readily available through the Internet, either on the company's own site. If the technology approach fails, you can always phone the company directly and request a copy of their corporate and sales literature.
PunctualityTurning up late creates a bad impression before you even start the interview. You should plan to arrive with enough time to prepare yourself. Familiarize yourself with the journey beforehand, and if you need to find out how long it will take you to get to your interview you can always do a practice run.
Ask QuestionsYou should always have some questions prepared to ask your interviewer, not only to show that you have a genuine interest in the company and job, but also to help you evaluate them. Does the company culture suit you, are there enough career progression opportunities, will you be given sufficient training, or allowed enough independence?
What Should I Bring? Always bring spare copies of your resume with you in case the interviewer doesn't have the latest version. This will demonstrate to your prospective employer that you are both professional and organized. You should also bring a pad of paper and a pen (you may need to complete a test or application form), a portfolio or examples of your work, and for some positions, a calculator.

Where did I go Wrong?If you do fail to get the job, it is worthwhile phoning up and asking for a few pointers as to where you went wrong, and what skills you may need to develop to succeed next time.
Here are some great tips for your job-interview:
- Stress your achievements for each job listed in your resume.
- Always conduct yourself professionally (no slang language).
- Show enthusiasm with in replies and body language.
- Do not answer questions with simply "Yes" or "No" be elaborative.
- Do not show any negativity towards your past or present employer.
- Do not raise salary discussions on your first interview - this is usually done on the second interview.
Frequently Asked Job Interview Questions
If you haven't been to many interviews before, it may be worthwhile preparing answers to some of the following frequently asked questions:
  • Why should I hire you over any other candidate?
  • How would you describe yourself? 
  • What are your major strengths?
  • What are your major weaknesses?
  • Tell me about an achievement you made that you are particularly proud of.
  • What can you bring to this company?
  • How do you feel about working additional hours?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
  • What aspects of your last job did you enjoy the most?
  • What aspects of your last job did you dislike most?
  • What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?
  • Tell me about an occasion in your last job where you were faced with a particularly challenging problem. How did you resolve this problem?
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Have you ever dismissed anyone before?
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